Harfard Training Harfard Training

Selecting the Proper Facilities Hardware for the Reservoir


 About the Course

 In this course, which is comparable to Introduction to Oil and Gas Production Facilities (PF-2), front-end field development planning and concept selection are discussed.


Target Audience

 This training is designed for field development team members as well as individuals who need to comprehend how surface facilities are chosen and how subsurface variables impact facility design and specification.


Course Objectives

  •  How to create the project's structure and decision-making process
  • The effect of reservoir type, drive mechanism, fluid characteristics, location, and contractual responsibilities on the specification of production/processing facilities
  • Operating circumstances that have an impact on the design of the production facilities starting at the wellhead and continuing through initial separation
  • Factors that have an impact on the design and specification of equipment for oil stabilization and dehydration
  • To meet the necessary environmental regulations and/or injection well capacity, generated water systems must be designed and specified in a way that takes into account the rate and composition of the produced water.
  • Gas handling facility design and specification, including compression dehydration and sweetening
  • Artificial lift systems' effects on facility design and secondary/tertiary production projects
  • Due to the rate, composition, temperature, and pressure of the production stream, the asset integrity and inherent safety design principles must be applied.
  • How production rates, product composition, and production facility performance affect the midstream facilities that are necessary downstream of the primary production facility to deliver marketable products.


Course Outlines

  •  Types of reservoirs, fluid characteristics, and typical product requirements the division of production into flowlines, collection systems, flow assurance, and oil stabilization and dehydration
  • Manufactured systems for water treatment and water injection
  • treatment of gas, such as compression, evaporation, and sweetening
  • Secondary and tertiary recovery initiatives, as well as the impact of artificial lift systems Midstream facilities include LNG storage, LNG processing, pipelines, and product storage.
  • Utility systems, process safety, asset integrity, and environmental requirements are other facility issues.


Course Content

About the instructor

System Admin
  • 0 Students
  • 235 Courses

System Admin

Gas Processing, Health, Safety & Environment, Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Operations & Maintenance, Project Management, Refining, Multi-Discipline Training, Offshore & Subsea, Pipeline Engineering, Process Facilities, Data Management, Science and Analytics, Petroleum Business, Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum-Business, Petrophysics, Production and Completions Engineering, O&M/ Operator Training, HealthSafety & Environment

Hello! This is my story.

Hello! I am a Seattle/Tacoma, Washington area graphic designer with over 6 years of graphic design experience. I specialize in designing infographics, icons, brochures, and flyers.

  • Included in my estimate:
  • Custom illustrations
  • Stock images
  • Any final files you need

If you have a specific budget or deadline, let me know and I will work with you!

My Education

Harvard University 2015 - 2019

MBA from Harvard Business School

Tomms College 2011 - 2015

Bachlors in Fine Arts

My Experience

Google 2015 - 2019

Web Designer

Facebook 2011 - 2015

CEO Founder

Tomms College 2011 - 2015

CEO Founder

Course Title Venue Price Start Date Finish Date

    Course Features

  • Lectures 0
  • Duration
