Harfard Training Harfard Training

OM-21: Applied Maintenance Management


 About the Course

 No matter how much oil costs, effective asset management is necessary for safe operations. The key is efficient, planned maintenance management. In this course, participants will learn the fundamentals of the maintenance function and how to advance to performance of the highest caliber. Individual action plans will apply what is learned in the classroom to the workplace. Delegates will be given a pre- and post-seminar self-assessment to see how their proficiency has improved. The evaluation is based on the Maintenance Management competency map, which is an industry standard from PetroSkills.

 "Presentation was challenging, but well worth it." - Engineering Manager

 A fantastic course. The teacher was top-notch. - Planner for Maintenance


 Target Audience

 Managers, team leaders, or maintenance supervisors who need to improve their maintenance strategies.

This course provides a thorough overview of the crucial components of managing a reliable, safe, and efficient facility asset.


 Course Objectives

  •  Application of world-class maintenance standards Dashboard's key performance indicators
  • Important components of work scheduling and planning Preventive and predictive maintenance optimization to concentrate your efforts on essential machinery
  • How to more successfully collaborate with contractors organizational competence development


Course Outlines

  •  international standards Maintenance techniques scheduling and preparation
  • Preventative and predictive maintenance optimization recognizing crucial equipment
  •  Increasing organizational proficiency making your action plan available



Course Content

About the instructor

System Admin
  • 0 Students
  • 235 Courses

System Admin

Gas Processing, Health, Safety & Environment, Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Operations & Maintenance, Project Management, Refining, Multi-Discipline Training, Offshore & Subsea, Pipeline Engineering, Process Facilities, Data Management, Science and Analytics, Petroleum Business, Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum-Business, Petrophysics, Production and Completions Engineering, O&M/ Operator Training, HealthSafety & Environment

Hello! This is my story.

Hello! I am a Seattle/Tacoma, Washington area graphic designer with over 6 years of graphic design experience. I specialize in designing infographics, icons, brochures, and flyers.

  • Included in my estimate:
  • Custom illustrations
  • Stock images
  • Any final files you need

If you have a specific budget or deadline, let me know and I will work with you!

My Education

Harvard University 2015 - 2019

MBA from Harvard Business School

Tomms College 2011 - 2015

Bachlors in Fine Arts

My Experience

Google 2015 - 2019

Web Designer

Facebook 2011 - 2015

CEO Founder

Tomms College 2011 - 2015

CEO Founder

Course Title Venue Price Start Date Finish Date

    Course Features

  • Lectures 0
  • Duration
